Countries that do NOT need a visa to enter El Salvador:
Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Uruguay.Countries that do NOT need a consular visa to enter El Salvador in diplomatic or official passports (ordinary passport holders of these countries NEED a consular visa):
Belize, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Mexico (Official Passports need a visa), Republic of China (Taiwan), Russian Federation.
Countries that do NOT need a consular visa to enter El Salvador in diplomatic, official and service passports (ordinary passport holders NEED a consular visa):
Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Morocco, Peru, Romania, Venezuela.Countries that need a consular visa to enter El Salvador in all type of passports:
Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Benin, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Butan, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Democratic Kampuchea, Djibouti, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, French Guyana, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Holy See, Hungary, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Lesotho, Letonia, Liberia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, New Zealand, Niger, Oman, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Republic of Yemen, Rwanda, Saint Kitss and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Marino, Saint Thomas and Principe, Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Suriname, Swaziland, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Zambia, Zayre, Zimbabwe.Countries that NEED a consular visa to enter El Salvador, consulted with the general direction of immigration, in all type of passports:
Republic of Cuba.ASIA
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Islamic Republic of Iran, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Islamic State of Afghanistan, National Palestinian Authority, People’s Democratic Republic of Korea, People’s Republic of Bangladesh, People’s Republic of China, Republic of India, Republic of Iraq, Syrian Arab Republic, Union of Myanmar.AFRICA
Arab Republic of Egypt, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Jamahiriya Arab People’s and Socialist Lybia, Republic of Angola, Republic of Burundi, Republic of the Sudan, Sierra Leone, Somali Democratic Republic.EUROPE
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Belarus.Special Cases of countries that can enter El Salvador purchasing a ‘Tourist Card’ for the amount of (US$10.00) (tourist cards can be purchased at El Salvador International Airport):
Canada, Greece, Malaysia, Mexico, Portugal, Singapore, United States of America, Republic of China (Taiwan) – Only with Ordinary Passport.Find more information directly at:
El Salvador Embassy
Source & Copyright: The source of the above visa and immigration information and copyright owner/s is the:
Country : El Salvador
– Ministry of Foreign Affairs of El Salvador – URL: