Types of India Visa

Tourist visas are issued to people who want to come to India to visit people and go sightseeing or attend a short-term yoga program. Although tourist visas can be granted for more than six months, depending on the applicant’s nationality, it’s not possible to remain in India for longer than six months at a time on a tourist visa.

Entry (X) Visa

An X-visa used to be issued to people who didn’t clearly fall into any of the other categories of visa applicants (such as volunteers). However, as of mid-2010, an X-visa is only available to the following people:

  • A foreigner of Indian origin.
  • Spouse and children of a foreigner of Indian origin or Indian citizen.
  • Spouse and dependent children of a foreigner coming to India on any other long term visa, such as an Employment visa or Business visa.
  • Foreigners who are joining specified ashrams or spiritual communities, such as Auroville, Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Missions of Charities in Kolkata, or certain Buddhist monasteries.
  • Foreigners who are participating in professional international sporting events.

It’s not possible to work in India on an X-visa.

Employment Visa

Employment visas are issued to foreigners who are working in India, for an organization registered in India. Special Project visas are issued to highly skilled foreigners coming to India to work in the power and steel sectors. Employment visas are usually for one year, or the term of the contract. They can be extended in India.

Intern (I) Visa:

The validity of the Intern visa is restricted to the duration of the internship program or one year, which ever is less. It can’t be converted into an Employment visa (or any other type of visa).

Business Visa

Business visas are available for people to explore business opportunities or conduct business in India. This type of visa differs from an Employment visa in that the applicant won’t be working for, and earning an income from, an organization in India. Business visas are valid for up to five years, with multiple entries.

Student Visa

Student visas are granted to people who wish to come to India and study long-term at an officially recognized educational institution. This includes the study of yoga, Vedic culture, and Indian system of dance and music. Student visas are issued for up to five years, depending on the duration of the course. They can also be extended in India.

Conference visas are issued to delegates who want to attend a conference in India that’s offered by an Indian government organization.

Journalist Visa

If you’re a professional journalist or photographer, you should apply for a Journalist visa. The main benefit of a Journalist visa is if you want access to a particular region or person. A Journalist visa is issued for three months. However, these visas can be notoriously difficult to get, so only apply if you really need to.

Film (F) Visa: New Category

If you’re planning on making a commercial film or TV show in India, from April 1, 2017, you’ll need to apply for a Film visa. The visa application is reviewed and processed by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting within 60 days. It’s valid of up to one year.

Research Visa

Research visas are issued to professors and scholars who wish to visit India for research related purposes. This is another difficult category of visa to get. It’s restrictive and comes with a lot of requirements.

Medical Visa

Medical visas are provided to those seeing long-term medical treatment in India at recognized and specialized hospitals, and treatment centers. The treatment should be significant in nature, such as neurosurgery, heart surgery, organ transplant, joint replacement, gene therapy, and plastic surgery.

Transit Visa

Visitors staying in India for less than 72 hours can obtain a Transit visa.

Other Visas

Some other lesser-used Indian visas are also available in certain circumstances. These include Sports visas, Mountaineering visas, Missionary visas, and Diplomatic visas.

Find more information directly at:


India Embassy

Source & Copyright: The source of the above visa and immigration information and copyright owner/s is the:
– The National portal of India – URL: www.india.gov.in
– India Visa Application Center, London – URL: in.vfsglobal.co.uk
– Website : www.tripsavvy.com

Country : India
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