Singapore Visa Fees (Price)

What is the cost of a Singapore visa?
The current fee for a Singapore visa is S$30 per issue. There is no additional processing fee. The fee collected is non-refundable regardless of the outcome of the application or if you withdraw the application after submission.

Business visitors and Social visitors
– S$ 40 for an extension of stay accumulating to a period of 3 months or more from the date of entry/issuance of pass. This fee is applicable for every subsequent extensions of stay accumulating to 3 months or more.

– A visa fee of S$30 is applicable if the applicant has resided in Singapore beyond the visa-free period.

How long is the visa valid for?
A Social Visit Pass is valid for a maximum of 3 months

A successful Employment Pass applicant will be granted an Employment Pass valid for two years upon first approval and three years upon subsequent renewals.

A visitor on a Performing Artiste Work Permit is entitled to work for 6 months. If a longer work period is required, an Employment Pass, S Pass or Work Permit should be obtained.

Find more information directly at:

Singapore Embassy

Source & Copyright: The source of the above visa and immigration information and copyright owner’s is the:
– Immigration & Checkpoints Authority, Singapore – URL:
– Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Singapore – URL:

Country : Singapore
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