Hungary Visa Application Form

The Visa Application Form is available besides Hungarian in English, French, German, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Turkish and Ukrainian. Please, download and print it, than fill in legibly, using capital letters or typewriter, and Roman characters.

Stay less than 3 month

Stay longer than 3 month

The previous system of the „D” type visas changed from 21  December 2007. The rules on the seasonal work visa have stayed unchanged but in the case of other purposes of stay the applicants need residence permit. There exists a different application form for each purpose of stay.

The application form below, named “Application for visa authorising stay longer than 3 months”can be used only for purpose of seasonal work.

The application forms of the residence permit and other documents are available on the website of the Hungarian Immigration Office (

Find more information directly at:

Hungary Embassy

Source & Copyright: The source of the above visa and immigration information and copyright owner/s is the:
– Ministry of foreign affairs Hungary – URL:
– Hungarian office of Immigration and Nationality – URL:

Country : Hungary
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