How long is the Armenia Visa valid for and Time to issue visa?

Time required to issue visa:
Usually visa is processed at the diplomatic missions and consular posts of the Republic of Armenia upon the completion of 3 working days. In some cases additional checking can be required and processing time can be extended.

How long is the visa valid for?
Visitor visa entitles a foreigner to enter the Republic of Armenia and stay in the country for up to 120 days. A visitor visa may be issued for single or multiple entries (within up to a year period). A foreigner with a transit visa may stay in the Republic of Armenia for no more than 3 days during each stay.

Find more information directly at:

Armenia Embassy

Source & Copyright: The source of the above visa and immigration information and copyright owner/s is the:
– Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia – URL:
– The Government of the Republic of Armenia – URL:

Country : Armenia
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