What is the Cost of an Argentina Visa?
Tourist Visa: 22 EUR
When entering Argentine Territory, the American nationals must pay a “reciprocity fee” of U$D 140.- or its equivalent in Argentinean pesos.
The payment of this reciprocity fee is NOT a visa, since Argentina does not require visa to American nationals when travelling for tourism or business purposes. The Argentine Government set this entry fee on equal amounts Argentine citizens must pay when requesting a Visa to travel to the U.S.
Forms of payment: Argentine Pesos, United States Dollars, credit cards, Traveller’s Checks. Information Desk: +54 (11) 4317-0234/5/6/7/8. Av. Antártida Argentina 1355, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.
Find more information directly at:
Argentina Embassy
Source & Copyright: The source of the above visa and immigration information and copyright owner/s is the:
– Argentine Embassy in the United Kingdom – URL: www.argentine-embassy-uk.org
Country : Argentina
– Embajada Argentina en Washington – URL: www.embassyofargentina.us
– Ministerio de relaciones exteriores Republica Argentina – URL: URL: www.mrecic.gov.ar