For most visitors to the Kingdom, visa are obtainable upon arrival at both Phnom Penh and Siem Reap International Airports in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap. At land crossing from Thailand, visas are available at Poipet Banteay Meanchey and Cham Yeam (Koh Kong province). Visitors who enter from Vietnam through Bavet (VN: Moc Bai) or Ka-Om Samnor (VN: Chao Doc) will need to have already obtained their visas prior to their arrival through a Cambodian Embassy or Consulate overseas.
Some nationalities are required to get visa in advance at Royal Embassy of Kingdom of Cambodia in their country:
- Afghanistan
- Algeria
- Arab Saudi
- Bangladesh
- Iran, Iraq
- Pakistan
- Sri Lanka
- Sudan
- Nigeria.
Visa on arrival fee:
Presently, one can obtain a visa-on-arrival in Cambodia for US$30. You can fill out the application forms handed out to you on the plane, or at the airport or border crossings. Provide one passport photograph and US$30.
Find more information directly at:
Cambodia Embassy
Source & Copyright: The source of the above visa and immigration information and copyright owner/s is the:
Country : Cambodia
– Kingdom of Cambodia Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Cooperation – URL: