What is the cost of a Albania visa?
The citizens of the following countries may obtain a visa at any entry point by payment:
FYR Macedonia (10 Euro; at the Embassy 5 Euro), Montenegro (free of charge), Israel (30 Euro).
The citizens of other countries are required to obtain visas at the missions of the Republic of Albania that cover the country of residence.
An entry tax must be payed upon entry to the country, by air, sea or land. The amount varies for different nationalities. The amount for North American and EU citizens is US$5. An exit tax is required at Rinas Airport, which is US$10.In details:
All the other foreigners must be issued with a visa, before entering the Republic of Albania at the missions of the Republic of Albania that cover the country of residence. These missions can also provide them with the necessary information about Albania. Below list provides the Albania visa fees at the time of publishing. This information should be consider as a guideline only because it can be changed over time. Contact the nearest embassy to get latest information.
States The city to apply for a visa to enter the Republic of Albania Visa Tax Afghanistan Ankara, Istanbul 40 Eu South Africa Rome, London 25 Eu Algeria Paris Free Saudi Arabia Rhiad 54 E Bahraini Rhiad 60 Eu Bangladesh London, Rome 25 Eu Barbados London 25 Eu Belize London 25 Eu Cote d’Ivoire London 25 Eu Benin Paris 25 Eu Byelorussia Moscow, Warsaw 33 Eu Bolivia Rome, Buenos Aires 30 Eu Botswana Paris 25 Eu Brunei Rome, Riyadh 25 Eu Burkina Faso Rome 25 Eu Egypt Cairo Ecuador Rome, Buenos Aires Free United Emirates Rhiad, Rome 25 Eu Eritrea Rome, Cairo 25 Eu Ethiopia Rome, Cairo 30 Eu Philippines Rome, Kuala Lumpur 30 Eu Haiti Rome, Buenos Aires Free Honduras Rome, Buenos Aires 30 Eu Hong Kong, China Beijing 30 Eu Gabon Paris, Bucharest 30 Eu Ghana Rome 30 Eu Gibraltar Madrid 30 Eu Guiana Rome 30 Eu Guatemala Rome, Buenos Aires 25 Eu Guinea Bucharest 30 Eu Georgia Ancara, Istambul 33 Eu India New Delhi 15 Eu Indonesia Rome, Kula Lumpur 33 Eu Iraq Istanbul, Ankara 71 Eu Iran Istanbul, Ankara Free Fiji Islands London 20 Eu Yemen Rome, Ryiadh 20 Eu Jordan Cairo 23 Eu Cambodia Kuala Lumpur, Beijing 40 Eu Cameron Cairo 25 Eu Catarrh Rome, Rhiad 4o Eu Kenya Cairo 35 Eu P.R. of China Beijing Kirkistan Ankara, Moscow 40 Eu Colombia Athens, Buenos Aires 40 Eu Congo Bucharest 25 Eu North Korea Beijing, Sofia 10 Eu Costa Rica Rome, Buenos Aires 30 Eu Cuba Sofia 18 Eu Kuwait Rhiad, Istanbul 20 Eu Lebanon Cairo, Istanbul 20 Eu Libyan Cairo, Istanbul 20 Eu Liberia Bucharest 25 Eu Lesotho London 20 Eu Madagascar Bucharest 25 Eu Malawi Rome 25 Eu Maldives London 30 Eu Mali Rome 25 Eu Morocco Bucharest, Paris 11 Eu Mauritius London 25 Eu Mauritania Bucharest 25 Eu Mexico Rome 28 Eu Moldavia Bucharest, Sofia, Ancara, Istambul 40 Eu Mongolia Bucharest, Sofia, Beijing 30 Eu Mozambique Bucharest 25 Eu Namibia Bucharest 25 Eu Nepal Berlin 25 Eu Nigeria Bucharest 25 Eu Nicaragua Bucharest 30 Eu Oman Rhiad, Rome 25 Eu Pakistan Beijng, Kuala Liupmur, Ancara, Istambul 40 Eu Palestine Bucharest, Cairo Free Panama Rome 30 Eu Paraguay Bucharest 45 Eu Peru Madrid, Rome 30 Eu Dominican Republic Athens Free Rwanda Paris Russia Moscow Salvador London 30 Eu Sao Tome Principe London 20 Eu Senegal Bucharest 25 Eu Sierra Leone London Syria Athens, Cairo, Istanbul Sri Lanka London, Rome Somalia Bucharest 25 Eu Sudan Cairo 62 Eu Surinam London 20 Eu Thailand Rome, Kuala Lumpur 10 Eu Tanzania Bucharest 25 Eu Tajikistan Ankara, Moscow 40 Eu Togo Bucharest 25 Eu Trinidad London 20 Eu Tunisia Athens, Paris, Rome 11 Eu Turkmeny Ankara 30 Eu Uganda London 25 Eu Uruguay Rome, Buenos Aires 45 Eu Uzbekistan Moscow 30 Eu Venezuela Rome, Buenos Aires 30 Eu Vietnam Budapest 40 Eu Jamaica London 40 Eu Zambia Moscow, Bucharest 25 Eu Zimbabwe Bucharest 25 Eu Others At the nearest Albanian EmbassyInformation of Albania Embassy
Source & Copyright: The source of the above visa and immigration information and copyright owner/s is the:
– Republic of Albania Council of Ministers – URL: http://www.keshilliministrave.al/
– Albanian Foreign Affairs – URL: http://www.mfa.gov.al/Country : Albania