Since Hungary has joined the European Union, its rules and regulations regarding labour mobility are changing as they come into line with EU directives. Most non-EU citizens require a work visa and permit in order to go and work in Hungary.
- Since 1 Jan 2009 EU citizens do not need a Work permit in Hungary.
- As a non-EU citizen you are the spouse of a Hungarian citizen.
All non-EU citizens require a work visa and permit to be able to enter and then work legally in Hungary. Normally, most of the necessary bureaucracy is handled by the employer (who is required to provide various documents to the immigration authorities, such as proof of qualifications and health certification).
Requirements for obtaining a working visa:
- Valid Work Permit
- Labour agreement
- Proof of accommodation
The work permit process
The application process itself takes up to 25 days and can be broken down into the following steps:
- Firstly, a workforce demand is required. The hiring company must advertise the job at the Hungarian Labour Office ( Munkaügyi Központ) for a fixed period of 15 days. This is to give a chance for unemployed Hungarian citizens to apply for the position.
- Once fifteen days have passed, the employer can apply for the work permit on behalf of the employee. The work permit will be ready after a further 10 -15 days.
- After being granted a work permit, the employee has to apply for the working visa in person at the Hungarian Consulate ( Magyar Konzulátus) in his/her home country or in the country where he/she currently holds legal residence.
The work permit and the working visa are issued for two years. Both of these documents can be renewed if the employee wishes to extend his/her stay in Hungary and continues to fulfil the application requirements.
Find more information directly at:
Hungary Embassy
Source & Copyright: The source of the above visa and immigration information and copyright owner/s is the:
Country : Hungary
– Ministry of foreign affairs Hungary – URL:
– Hungarian office of Immigration and Nationality – URL: