Yes, you can extend your Schengen visa but only in exceptional cases where new facts and special reasons arise after entry in the the Czech Republic.
According to the Schengen visa policy, acceptable reasons to extend a Schengen short-stay visa are only the following:
Late Entry
You can base your visa extension application on this reason, only if you have a single-entry short-stay visa. However, this is your best case to extend your visa. You can apply for this visa extension, if you have entered Schengen after you visa became valid. I.e. if your visa became valid on August 1, but you entered Schengen on August 15, you can apply for a two-week visa extension, and you are very likely to get it.
Humanitarian Reasons
The Schengen visa policy has made it possible to extend a short-stay Schengen visa in order to prevent or overcome hardship for third-country nationals. You will be granted with a short-stay visa extension based on humanitarian reasons if you need to stay in one of the member states to continue receiving medical treatment, to take part in the funeral after the sudden death of a family member, to give support to a person close to you who is going through some kind of hardship, etc.
Force Majeure
If something unexpected has occurred all of the sudden in your home country prior to your visa expiration, as a conflict or war, or even violent protests across the country, extreme weather conditions, no flight connections because of consecutive earthquakes or other reasons, then you have a good chance to get a Schengen short-stay visa extension. You will be granted with an extension of a few weeks, or until the situation in your home country changes. If the situation does not change, you will have to apply once again for a short-stay visa renewal, in order to remain in Schengen.
Important Personal Reasons
Risky, but you should still give it a try if you have no other chance. If you have some unfinished business in one of the Schengen Member States, an unplanned wedding (of yours of your relative) etc., then you may apply for the extension. The immigration authorities will then decide whether you should be granted with a visa extension or not.
Find more information directly at:
Czech Republic Embassy
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Country : Czech Republic
– Ministerstvo zahraničních věcí České republiky – URL: