How to Obtain an Employment Visa?

Recently, the government of Brunei introduced a new process for permitting foreign workers to be employed in the country – foreign worker license, or Lesen Pekeria Asing (LPA).

The documents required for an LPA are as follows.

  • Two copies of foreign worker application form;
  • A copy of the identity card; passport for each applicant, owner or partner in the company;
  • A copy of the valid passport for every applicant;
  • Copies of approval letters from relevant government agencies (if applicable);
  • A list of local employees verified by the TAP;
  • Verification of mandatory registration from JobCentre Brunei;
  • A copy of certificate equivalent to the occupation should the occupation require qualifications;
  • A copy of the tenancy agreement for office, or company and worker residence (If applicable); and
  • In case of construction activities, attached copies of ongoing or upcoming projects.

After the documentation requirements are met, the employer must make a payment of security deposit to the finance unit of the Department of Labor to complete the procedure to obtain an LPA. The total processing time for an LPA is 14 days.

Find more information directly at:

Brunei Embassy

Source & Copyright: The source of the above visa and immigration information and copyright owner/s is the:
– Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade for Brunei Darussalam – URL:

Country : Brunei
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