Can I work in Albania?

In Albania, the first step to obtaining a work permit for a foreign employee is the issuing of a visa. Once a visa is issued, a temporary residence permit is required in order to apply for a residence permit.
The application for a working permit is submitted along with the following documentation:

• A decision for the registration of the legal entity of the employer where foreigner is to be employed
• The original copy of the individual employment contract (to be translated into Albanian, and certified by a public notary)
• Passport copy, certified by public notary
• Special power of attorney for the company engaged in providing such service
• Five photos
• The foreign individual requesting a work permit for the first time is obliged to pay the fee of 6000 All or approx 45 Euro

The work permit application is submitted at the diplomatic representative office of the Albanian Republic in the foreigner’s country of residence. The procedure last approximately 30 days and the foreigner can perform work during the procedure is in progress with the proof of having applied for a permit.
Residence permits can be issued for a period of 3, 6 or 12 months, with the possibility to renew in no more than 5 consequent times; or with validity of 2 years, renewed not more than once. A permanent residence permit can be issued if the foreigner has lived in Albania for 5 years and is deemed to have substantial ties and activities in the country.
A request for renewal of a work permit is submitted 15 days prior to the day of expiry of the initial working permit and the procedure lasts 30 days. The work permit is renewed if a valid employment agreement is presented and the foreigner is a legal resident on the territory of Albanian Republic. A request for issuance/renewal of residence permit is submitted 30 days prior to expiry. The procedure requires 30 days to be completed.
All personal items, new or old may be taken into Albania without incurring custom duties. A reasonable amount of tobacco, beverages and perfumes for personal use is allowed.

Prohibited items include firearms, ammunition, narcotics, drugs and goods jeopardizing the observance of public order and social security. Special export permits are required for precious metals, ancient coins and scroll, antiques, books and works of art, which are considered to be part of national culture and heritage.


Information of Albania Embassy

Source & Copyright: The source of the above visa and immigration information and copyright owner/s is the:
– Albanian Foreign Affairs – URL:

Country : Albania
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